New Normal

What to expect when moving in with your partner

What to expect when moving in with your partner

Finding the love of your life and wanting to move in with them is a choice many of us find ourselves making. However, a decision on moving in with your partner must be made with clarity from both ends.

Embracing Connection: How not to feel lonely in today's world

Embracing Connection: How not to feel lonely in today's world

In an increasingly interconnected yet isolating world, loneliness can affect anyone. However, with the right strategies and mindset, it is possible to learn how not to feel lonely and build a fulfilling social support network.

Having sex after birth: How to feel confident in bed after pregnancy

Having sex after birth: How to feel confident in bed after pregnancy

Does the thought of having sex after birth petrify you? Worry not. From how long after delivery can you have sex to how to regain self-confidence, we’ve got you covered.

A Guide to Returning to Work after Maternity Leave

A Guide to Returning to Work after Maternity Leave

Returning to work after maternity leave with a new baby at home is a transition like no other. This guide will help prepare you for it.

10 Lifestyle Tips for First-Time Mothers

10 Lifestyle Tips for First-Time Mothers

For first time mothers, adjusting to a new lifestyle can be overwhelming. Here are the top 10 lifestyle tips for new moms.

How to be a Happy Working Mother, Balance Responsibilities and Prioritize Self-Care

How to be a Happy Working Mother, Balance Responsibilities and Prioritize Self-Care

In this article, we'll discuss strategies for balancing the many responsibilities that come with motherhood and prioritizing self-care to help working mothers thrive.

Is it normal to not want kids? Yes! Here’s why

Is it normal to not want kids? Yes! Here’s why

It’s almost blasphemous when someone says they don’t want to be a mother. It’s high time we change this narrative. Because is it normal to not want kids? Yes! Read on to understand why.

Why you shouldn't compare your motherhood journey to another mother’s

Why you shouldn't compare your motherhood journey to another mother’s

Parenting is difficult. Don't make it even more burdensome by comparing your motherhood journey to another mother's.

Why being a dog mom or a cat mom is great for your mental health

Why being a dog mom or a cat mom is great for your mental health

With Mother's Day around the corner, it's important to recognize that motherhood can take many forms, including pet parenting. This article explores the mental health benefits of being a pet parent, like a dog mom or a cat mom.

How to get back to dating in your 40s

How to get back to dating in your 40s

Life doesn’t stop in your 40s. If you want to fall in love or consider dating in your 40s, we are here to guide you through it.

How to cope with relationship anxiety

How to cope with relationship anxiety

Relationship anxiety can rob you of the joys a relationship brings. Let’s learn how to cope with it and develop stronger bonds with the people we love.

How to Recognize and Respond to Racial Gaslighting

How to Recognize and Respond to Racial Gaslighting

A form of psychological abuse and manipulation, the term gaslighting has gained momentum over the last few years and is becoming easier to identify. But what about racial gaslighting? Read on to know more.

How to turn online friendships into real ones

How to turn online friendships into real ones

Technology can help you find everything these days, even human connections. But how can you turn these online friendships into real ones?

Why you shouldn't give up on dating

Why you shouldn't give up on dating

Dating can be a rollercoaster ride, and sometimes it can feel like you're not getting anywhere. But giving up on dating completely could mean missing out on the chance to meet someone truly special. Let's explore how to stay motivated and positive.

How to meet people without dating apps

How to meet people without dating apps

If you are sick of being catfished on dating apps, it’s time to return to the old ways of meeting people. We’ll tell you all the ways you can meet people without having to swipe right or stalk them online before going on a date with them.

How to survive this Valentine’s Day

How to survive this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day can surely look like Doomsday for those who are single. Instead of wallowing in sadness, let’s take a look at how you can survive and thrive alone on the day of love.

Dating a diabetic? Here’s what you should keep in mind

Dating a diabetic? Here’s what you should keep in mind

Dating someone with a chronic disease like diabetes can be pretty challenging for both partners. But it’s not impossible. Here are some things to keep in mind when your partner is diabetic.

Ways you can slow down and enjoy life more

Ways you can slow down and enjoy life more

Do you feel like you are rushing too much to reach your goals? Are you missing out on exciting things in life? Read to know how you can slow down and enjoy life better.

How to make a realistic self-care list that actually works

How to make a realistic self-care list that actually works

Stepping into a new year, we all want to cultivate healthy habits and become better versions of ourselves, complete with a self-care list in place. But how do you make a realistic self-care list?

Benefits of journaling and how to get started in 2023

Benefits of journaling and how to get started in 2023

A secret place for you and by you, journaling is the one place where you can be yourself without any judgment or insecurities. Wondering how to get started in 2023? We’ve got you covered.

Veganuary: What is it and why should you consider it?

Veganuary: What is it and why should you consider it?

If ‘new year, new me’ is your mantra, Veganuary might be a trend you want to get onto. With more than a million people getting on this plant-based diet, here’s all you need to know about Veganuary.

Why you should always wash your hands after using the bathroom

Why you should always wash your hands after using the bathroom

Nature calls several times a day. But not everyone washes their hands after doing the deed.

7 ways to navigate social media during the holidays

7 ways to navigate social media during the holidays

In this day and age, social media has become both a boon and a bane. Let’s learn how to avoid the negative pull of social media this holiday season.

How to have alone time while raising a family

How to have alone time while raising a family

If you are always busy raising a family, finding time for yourself can be tough. However, it’s important that you make some time though. Here are some ways you can do that for yourself.

How are introverts and extroverts different?

How are introverts and extroverts different?

Are you shy, self-oriented or are you the free bird type? Read to know what type of personality you have and what makes you an introvert or an extrovert.

5 ways to find happiness within yourself

5 ways to find happiness within yourself

Happiness is a state of mind which comes from within yourself. A basic fundamental in life, happiness is affected by a lot of factors. Here’s how you can find happiness within yourself.

How Covid-19 has changed our perspective on washing hands

How Covid-19 has changed our perspective on washing hands

Covid-19 has been a game-changer in understanding the importance of handwashing. It accelerated the global adoption of the right way of doing it. Here’s how a simple habit has saved countless lives.

How hair fall is related to mental wellness

How hair fall is related to mental wellness

Do you see the volume of your hair reducing? It is a sign that you need to focus on taking care of your hair. However, is there a connection between hair fall and mental wellness? Read on to find out.

Cosmetic surgery: Why are people choosing to do it more often now?

Cosmetic surgery: Why are people choosing to do it more often now?

There is an unprecedented rise in people opting for cosmetic surgery in the United States. Here’s everything you need to know about the emerging trend.

Why are more teens turning diabetic?

Why are more teens turning diabetic?

Diabetes is becoming more prevalent among young individuals. Children and adolescents can have better overall health and wellness if they receive early treatment.

What students and therapists should know before session

What students and therapists should know before session

As a student seeking therapy or a therapist counseling at an educational space, these are some important pointers to keep in mind to make the best of your time spent with each other.

What are the health consequences of loneliness?

What are the health consequences of loneliness?

Feeling lonely can cause risks to your health like depression, heart issues and sometimes suicidal thoughts. It can also cause mental instability, among other things.

7 signs you are dating a narcissist

7 signs you are dating a narcissist

In a relationship, are you the one who always apologizes, is condemned, hurt or is being looked down on by your partner? You just might be dating a narcissist. Here are signs to look out for.

Forgiveness: Why it's good for your health

Forgiveness: Why it's good for your health

It can be hard to forgive someone who hurt you. However, forgiveness is an expression of self-care and it can have a positive impact on your health.

Healing crystals: A new health trend takes over America

Healing crystals: A new health trend takes over America

Healing crystals create positive energy and help enhance health. The crystals facilitate relieving stress, creating balance and keeping you focused. Read on to know about this new health trend.

Why you should have a medical loan

Why you should have a medical loan

You can face a medical emergency at any given point in your life, and during such times, you may not have enough funds to pay the hefty hospital bills. Here’s why you should get a medical loan.

Back to school: How parents can cope with anxiety

Back to school: How parents can cope with anxiety

Since the pandemic hit in 2022, parents started working from home and children took classes online. Now that schools have reopened, parents, here was ways that can help reduce your anxiety.

6 health benefits of CBD oil and its side effects

6 health benefits of CBD oil and its side effects

From reducing pain, anxiety to sleep disorders, CBD oil has been said to have many benefits. Read on to find out what they are and its side effects.

Why body positivity is important

Why body positivity is important

In a world where body shaming is done so casually, body positivity is a movement that makes people realize that they can be themselves. Comments about one’s body can impact on their mental health.

How to read your blood pressure

How to read your blood pressure

Blood pressure readings can be tricky. That’s why we are here to teach you the simple way of reading it.

How to adjust to the new normal

How to adjust to the new normal

The Covid-19 pandemic changed the world as we know it. People continue to embrace the changes brought by the new normal in different spheres of life.

How to cope with Zoom fatigue

How to cope with Zoom fatigue

It’s normal to feel tired by the end of a hectic day. However, it’s an alarming sign of Zoom fatigue when you’re exhausted and have zero motivation to go about the rest of the day.

How to survive the new normal

How to survive the new normal

The pandemic has impacted everyone’s mental health. If you’re figuring out how to survive in the new normal, here are ways to cope with it.

Mental health: What's normal and what's not

Mental health: What's normal and what's not

At times, it becomes difficult to differentiate between regular mental health and mental illnesses. Know how it works and doesn’t so you’ll be able to understand it better.


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