How to Cancel Wounded Warrior Project
Subscription in a Few Minutes
Find out how to cancel your Wounded Warrior Project subscription with our detailed step-by-step guide. Learn how much you can save after canceling and explore the best alternatives to the Wounded Warrior Project. Get all the information you need to cancel your subscription effectively
To cancel your donations to the Wounded Warrior Project Subscription, follow these easy steps:
Step 1
Call donor support at (855) 448-3997
Step 2
Ask to speak with a representative.
Step 3
Provide them with your membership information.
Step 4
Request cancellation of your donations.
Step 5
You will receive a confirmation email.
Wounded Warrior Project Refund Policy
You should know the refund policy before canceling your Wounded Warrior Project subscription. The Wounded Warrior Project does not refund charitable donations, including monthly recurring donations directly supporting wounded veterans and their families. You can cancel your subscription donation before renewal to ensure your money is not deducted from your account.
How Much You Can Save After Canceling Your Wounded Warrior Project Subscription?
The money saved after discontinuing membership from the Wounded Warrior Project would depend on your chosen donation amount and frequency. We'll discuss some typical donation plans.
Monthly Donation
If you stop making the $25 monthly contributions altogether, you would save around 300 dollars every year.
Quarterly Donation
Stopping a quarterly donation of $100 saves $400 annually.
Yearly Donation
Canceling a yearly donation of $500 results in annual savings of $500.
Remember, these are just examples. Your actual savings will depend on your specific contribution plan.
Where to Invest That Amount?
The saved money from canceling the wounded Warrior project could be invested strategically in the following ways:
Personal Development
This could involve using saved funds on educational courses, certificates, or training opportunities that enhance skills and employability chances.
Emergency Fund
Saving up to three to six months of living expenses creates a financial buffer for unexpected bills or emergencies.
Retirement Savings
Investing more in retirement through IRAs or employer plans assures a financially secure future.
Debt Repayment
High-interest debts like credit cards should be targeted to attain financial liberty and avoid further interest payments.
Alternatives to the Wounded Warrior Project
If you're canceling your Wounded Warrior Project subscription but still want to support veterans, there are several alternative organizations and charities to consider:
Disabled American Veterans
This organization assists disabled veterans with medical appointments, benefit claims, and other services. It also offers a range of programs, including transportation assistance, housing assistance, and employment services.
Special Operations Warrior Foundation
The Special Operations Warrior Foundation provides support to the families of special operations personnel who have been killed or wounded in action. They offer a range of programs, including education assistance, childcare assistance, and family counseling.
Hope For The Warriors
This charitable organization supports post-9/11 service members, veterans, and their families. They offer a range of programs, including education assistance, employment assistance, and family counseling.
Headstrong Project
The Headstrong Project provides mental health services to veterans, including counseling and therapy. They also offer a range of programs, including peer support groups and online resources.