How to Cancel Hand and Stone
Subscription in a Few Minutes
Our guide walks you through canceling your Hand and Stone subscription step-by-step. Discover how much you can save and explore alternative spa options that fit your needs
To cancel your Hand and Stone subscription, you typically need to follow specific steps, here are the 2 methods for cancellation.
Cancellation by email
Step 1
Email [email protected] with the subject line "Membership Cancellation Request."
Step 2
Clearly describe your intention to cancel your Hand and Stone subscription. Include your entire name and a subscription number to ensure easy identification.
Step 3
Request confirmation of your cancellation and its start date.
Step 4
Send the email and save a copy for the future.
Cancellation by Phone Call
Step 1
Call Hand and Stone's customer support number, (866) 889-7866.
Step 2
Request Cancellation and notify the representative that you wish to cancel your membership.
Step 3
To validate your account, provide your complete name and membership number.
Step 4
Request confirmation of your cancellation and its start date.
Step 5
Please rate and provide the name of the person you talked with.
By following these steps and interacting clearly with Hand and Stone, you may successfully cancel your membership and make any required changes to your account.
Hand and Stone Refund Policy
Their return policy is rather restrictive. Based on information from the Hand and Stone website and the terms and restrictions:
Gift cards
Gift cards are non-refundable and can't be exchanged for cash or credit, except when required by law.
If you terminate your subscription, all unused services will expire and are not refundable after a certain period (90 days for monthly and prepaid memberships).
This suggests that Hand and Stone only sometimes offer refunds for services or memberships if required by law.
If you terminate your subscription, all unused services will expire and are not refundable after a certain period (90 days for monthly and prepaid memberships).
This shows that Hand and Stone does not simply provide refunds for services or subscriptions when required by law.
However, it is always an excellent choice to contact them personally if you have a unique case in which you feel a refund is appropriate.
They may have some leeway, based on the circumstances. Here are their contact details: Call (866) 889-7866 or email [email protected].
How Much Can You Save After Canceling Your Hand and Stone Subscription?
Canceling your Hand and Stone membership might have an impact on your budget. Savings vary depending on how frequently you utilize their services and the exact plan you select.
They provide a variety of plans at different pricing points, so evaluate your options to find the best match.
Remember that cancellation needs a 30-day notice following the original term. Before joining up, carefully analyze your usage habits to verify that the membership meets your needs.
Where to Invest that Amount?
The best investment options can determine your future financial money planning. The investment options offered by Beem can help you plan your money better and grow to attain your financial goals.
If you decide to cancel your spa subscription, you can use the money to get a more affordable spa. The money saved can be invested in your future money goals.
If you want to cancel the subscription because you do not find a spa subscription useful, you can save money for high-yield savings and grow your business exponentially. A step-by-step saving process and strategic saving can provide better financial stability.
Alternatives to Hand and Stone
If you're looking for alternatives to Hand and Stone, which is a chain of massage and facial spas, here are some options:
Local Independent Spas
Research and explore locally owned spas in your area. These spas often offer personalized services and unique treatments that cater to individual preferences.
Massage Envy
Similar to Hand and Stone, Massage Envy is a chain of massage therapy centers that offer various massage modalities, skincare treatments, and membership options.
Elements Massage
Elements Massage is another chain of massage studios known for providing personalized massage therapy sessions tailored to each client's needs and preferences.
Bliss Spa
Bliss Spa offers a range of spa services, including massages, facials, body treatments, and nail services, in a modern and chic environment.