How to Cancel Massage Heights
Subscription in a Few Minutes
Learn how to cancel your Massage Heights subscription with our step-by-step guide. Discover how much you can save after canceling and explore alternatives to Massage Heights
Follow these easy steps to cancel your Massage Heights Subscription
Step 1
Email: [email protected]
Step 2
![Massage Heights - contact us page.webp](
Step 3
Phone: To cancel your subscription, simply call your local Massage Heights clu
Massage Heights Refund Policy
Massage Heights allows you to put your membership on hold. If you maintain an active membership, you have to give a 30-day notice, and any unused accrued service credits can be used within a 90-day window.
If you have made a yearly payment, you are eligible for a refund of a portion of your membership dues for the remaining months.
To request a refund, contact Massage Heights customer service or visit a Massage Heights location, provide your membership details, and follow the procedures outlined in your agreement.
How much can you save after canceling your Massage Heights subscription?
After canceling your Massage Heights subscription, the amount you can save depends on several factors.
If you have unused prepaid services, such as massage or facial sessions, you have a window to use them.
Additionally, canceling your subscription allows you to save enough to fund your personal finance goals or other future investments.
Where to Invest that Amount?
After canceling your Massage Heights subscription, consider investing the saved amount strategically based on your financial goals and priorities. Options include:
Building an emergency fund for unexpected expenses.
Paying off high-interest debts.
Contributing to retirement accounts for long-term security.
Investing in diversified assets like index funds or real estate.
You could also invest in education, health and wellness, philanthropic initiatives, or personal development opportunities.
Alternatives to Massage Heights
Here are some alternatives to Massage Heights for massage and wellness services:
Elements Massage
Elements Massage is known for attentive massage therapy sessions customized to clients' needs. It provides an assortment of massage techniques and healing methods.
Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa
Hand & Stone offers massages and facials in a pleasant background. These services are also accompanied by relaxing experiences and tailored treatment options.
Massage Envy
Massage Envy has several locations nationwide. It provides massage therapy, skincare, and wellness programs that improve a person's overall well-being.
From a masseur's house to your hotel room and office, Soothe is a mobile company that assists you in booking a licensed massage therapist in a comfy environment near you.
Like Soothe, which allows access to on-demand massages 24/7, Zeel does the same by coordinating in-home and in-hotel licensed therapists to massage their clients on the go or during holidays.
Massage Heights