
4 Ways to Help Financial Hardship People

A kind word, a hug, or even a pleasant atmosphere makes a big difference to someone in a rough spot. Here’s how you can help someone today.
4 Ways to Help Financial Hardship People
If you know a close friend of yours who is struggling with financial problems like the loss of a job, overwhelming debt or major medical expenses, it can be hard to know how you can help.
In this article

For some people, life can be devastating due to loss, illness or overwhelming news that takes the wind from their sails. And since August 22 is National Be An Angel Day, we’re going to help you understand how you can help someone going through financial hardships when they need it most.

An angel is always helpful and kind, in good times and bad. Most times giving or lending money is not the best solution. While there are instances when giving small amounts of cash is harmless. Relationships tend to quickly get complicated when money is involved, especially if it will get in the way of your own financial needs. 

Fortunately, there are plenty of other ways you can help. Here are four ways to help someone who’s struggling financially without having to spend their own money.

Support them at home

Most people who live paycheck-to-paycheck while trying so hard to climb out of debt can easily feel overwhelmed by their financial circumstances. This makes it harder for them to manage other areas of life. So do your thing, make that halo glow and help them in small ways to relieve your stress. Instead of lending money, you could help them focus on their priorities. 

  • Help them clean, declutter and organize.
  • Lend a hand household work or backyard work.
  • You could offer to cook meals to freeze.
  • You could help babysit for free so they catch up on their much-needed rest.

If they decline your support, don’t press the issue. They have the right to say no. But now that they know that you’re available to help, they might just take you up on it later.

Support their career

A small work referral can also go a long way. You could use your professional savvy to help people find a new opportunity. Or do your bit, however small, to help make a difference.

  • Do practice interviews with them.
  • Get them started on LinkedIn, Indeed and other career sites.
  • Help them learn another professional skill to increase their job prospects.
  • If you’re good at editing, help them write or revise their resume and cover letter.
  • Make them interview-ready by taking them shopping for a new outfit. Make sure you’re clear about their budget.

Support them online

While helping find a career can be tough for you, connecting them to someone who can help won’t be. To start, you can offer to send out an email or even make a post on your professional social media network.

If you think your friend has a very specific financial need and a compelling story, help them set up a crowdfunding campaign. Then go ahead and share it with your network.

See also about: What Is Financial Wellness? Best Ways to Cultivate It

Emotional support

Financial problems are less about dollars and cents and more about anxiety and depression. Take the time to learn about their situation. Even if you have all the answers, listen first. Making yourself available to hear them out can provide much-needed relief.

Once you’re done listening, you can open up about what you faced and how you dealt with it. You might have dealt with similar financial issues in the past. Whether it was credit cards or a job loss, don’t be afraid to talk about your own experiences.

It can be comforting for those experiencing financial hardship to find out that they’re not alone and that their situation isn’t permanent. Telling your story can also provide helpful insights. 

Sometimes when your friend is dealing with stress or challenges due to their financial issues, encourage them to seek help from a professional or support group.

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Shirlene Grace Isaac

Shirlene Grace Isaac

Shirlene puts words on the Internet because she loves to do so and also for the money! She is a singer, songwriter, occasional poet, artist and muser — all in the body of a 20 something. She's a taleteller of sorts often looking for opportunities to narrate stories untold.


This page is purely informational. Beem does not provide financial, legal or accounting advice. This article has been prepared for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide financial, legal or accounting advice and should not be relied on for the same. Please consult your own financial, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transactions.

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