Tithing is the practice of setting apart one-tenth of one’s earnings as an offering to God. The Israelites, after they had left Egypt and were being established as a new nation led by Moses and the high priest Aaron, were instructed by God to tithe all of their produce, whether grain, fruit or livestock.
Why is Tithing Important?
The tithe was an offering of one’s agricultural income to the Lord as an expression of thanks and dedication. In the Old Testament agricultural economy, tithes were paid not in cash, gold or goods but in crops or livestock, for only the agricultural fruit of the promised land was to be tithed—not other forms of income.
Most of us are aware that Christians are to give 10% of their earnings as part of the tithe. It can be in any form as long as you don’t forget to tithe. The fact is that God knows we cannot all give an equal amount because we all have different resources, so he gave a percentage ensuring it would equal out.