A newly launched Apple Watch with the latest technology seems exciting when you buy it. But with time, you may resent your decision of this enormous investment and want a classic watch instead. Sometimes, you want an advanced version or are bored of the color. Whatever the reason, you must wonder where to sell an Apple watch for instant cash. In this article, let’s explore stores where you can sell Apple watches for instant cash.
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Where Can I Sell My Apple Watch for Instant Cash?
Here are four prominent places to sell your Apple watch for instant cash in a few clicks and get a great deal.
1. GameStop
The GameStop website is a great way to sell the watch quickly rather than wait months for it to arrive. You can make more money if you have a little patience. However, it does not support newer Apple Watch models, at least for now.
You can trade in at any GameStop location, though final acceptance depends on the store manager. Consumers can get up to $150 for Apple Watch Series 6 in credit and $120 for cash.
2. Apple
Apple also has a significant trade program and is repurchasing its watches from customers. They offer surprising deals but accept only Apple Watch until Series 6. Hopefully, it will be updated soon till Series 7.
The older model will be less profitable, but the newer versions can help you grab around $200. Also, series SE and Series 5 can get you a deal between $130-$140. In addition, this is store credit.
Apple stores are the only places where you can spend it. You can purchase movies and songs or upgrade your Apple Watch for iTunes credit. As long as your watch is in good condition, it should be hassle-free.
3. BuyBackWorld
Regarding the Apple Watch Series 6, BuyBackWorld offers a decent amount. According to the main website, there is a possibility of getting between $200 and 225 for the device. That price is for brand-new, out-of-the-box models. Those in above-average condition will receive less, between $170 and $185.
You can check out BuyBackWorld’s offers by visiting their website, which has decent customer reviews. You can also lock an offer for up to 14 days before you sell your watch.
4. eBay
eBay is one of the most popular online places for reselling goods. Series 7 Apple watches can be sold for around $300. Marketplaces such as eBay facilitate consumer-to-consumer transactions. You can get an instant quote for your Apple Watch using the site, but you’ll need to describe its condition, size, and design first.
Ultimately, it is your watch and your decision. Also, listing your product at multiple places helps you get the best rate possible, depending on the condition of your Apple watch. Most stores offer better deals in credit than in cash.
Explore the offers available to you. Always ensure that you are in contact with a genuine buyer. One can select the right buyer offering the best price if they keep looking and have patience while selling. Check out Beem’s Everdraft™, which offers the best alternative for an instant cash advance without income restriction or credit checks.
Where can I sell my Apple Watch quickly?
You can take it back to Apple or use multiple websites, such as eBay and BuyBackWorld, to sell it to consumers who offer the best price.
Where can I turn in my Apple Watch for money?
Multiple marketplaces display your Apple watch as a product and help you connect to other buyers who are interested in your product. However, if you select Apple Steps, they can offer reasonable prices and ask you to choose Apple Music or some other products at discounted prices.
Can you get cash for an Apple Watch?
Yes, you can get cash for an Apple Watch. The amount is, however, dependent on how your watch condition is. Cash payment is less than credit payment.