
Ready to Retire? 3 Telltale Signs It’s Your Time

When’s the right time to retire? How do you know you’ve saved enough, invested enough and stable enough to stop working and enjoy your retirement years. We have the answer.
Ready to Retire? 3 Telltale Signs It’s Your Time
The most common scenario is people should first be financially ready before they have made up their minds emotionally. Retired people do not get a paycheck but they live on their savings and other financial resources.

People usually cannot decide the day or time when they retire. While the general population believes that retirements hits at age 60, you can be ready to retire even at a younger age.

Retirement doesn’t have to be a mandate. It can be a choice. But if you’re undecided and cannot figure out if you are ready to retire, here are some signs that will confirm the same for you.

Retirement can be a choice

Retirement is a big decision and many people like being a part of the workforce. Some people have the dilemma of being in financial trouble as soon as they quit. Others just love sitting at their desks and executing different tasks. People are also in the slump of living without a paycheck and running through all their savings. They fear all their future plans will crumble down in the absence of a job.

The most common scenario is people should first be financially ready before they have made up their minds emotionally. If you are also grappling with this predicament, here are 3 signs that will provide you with more surety about retiring.

You are through with fears

Retirement is defined as an unending vacation without any strings attached to it. However, in reality, it is a shift that has many questions to be answered. It triggers changes in people’s lifestyles and other necessities.

Retired people do not get a paycheck but they live on their savings and other financial resources. If their savings are not enough or their investments do not give adequate returns; a retired person can always work and earn more.

On the other hand, there are people who have saved meticulously over the years but don’t know how to spend it. Experts say that it is a very emotional decision. People get overwhelmed when there is a sudden influx of money in their accounts and they find it difficult to use it.

Some other fears include the fears of being obsolete and being the victim of boredom and this implores people to further delay their retirement. Many experts say that some people like entrepreneurs and business owners give their work the number one priority and find it difficult to live without it.

People are stuck with the question of what to do if they cannot work anymore. Once you address the fears that are stopping you from being retired, you can start thinking about taking the step of being retired.

Your financial plan is in place 

If you have financial problems, you can consult a fee-only financial planner to check your retirement plan. You have to find a planner that puts his clients first and makes sure that their interests are fulfilled. 

Getting the advice of an expert is always a great idea. It helps expand social security benefits, get the best medical and health insurance options. Moreover, it will help ensure you will live without any worries for a very long time. They also help to decide an acceptable withdrawal of your savings rate.

You only get retired once and it is crucial that you do it the right way! Planning is the primary factor in taking any important decisions. Hence you should use efficient planning software and use a stress test to find out if it sustains through a market turndown or a sudden inflation spike, death of your spouse or high taxes.

Financial planners usually take their clients through various possible events to find out how they cope with the changes. They also do a maximum spend test to check in how much time the funds get exhausted. If the plan still works, it means you have nothing to worry about and can go on to live a stress-free retired life.

You’re ready to retire with a purpose

People struggle with finding a purpose after they retire and following a new schedule for their days. Hence, before retiring, you should create a plan about how you will manage your time. 

This plan consists of maybe fulfilling your income bucket list for traveling and experiencing new things. You can also create a pie chart. Disseminate your time over different tasks like hobbies, physical fitness, spending time with family, etc. 

Retirement can also make you feel lonely if you are not married or your spouse is working. If your only social interaction used to be with colleagues, it is imperative that you make some new friends. You can do this by volunteering, joining groups, and classes. 

You might need some more time to prepare for your financial and mental state. Once that is done, you are all set. The future is always uncertain but you can do your best to prepare for it. 

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Picture of Devanshee Dave

Devanshee Dave

With over 4 years of experience in financial writing and a master’s degree in mass communication & journalism, Devanshee is currently preparing for her CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) exams. In her spare time, she likes to dance and learn about cosmology, astronomy and anything that can expand her knowledge from the big bang to the big crunch.


This page is purely informational. Beem does not provide financial, legal or accounting advice. This article has been prepared for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide financial, legal or accounting advice and should not be relied on for the same. Please consult your own financial, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transactions.

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