
Fatema Yusuf

Debt and Retirement Content Writer and Consultant
A seasoned professional with over 15 years of experience in content writing and diigital media, Fatema brings expertise in debt and retirement blogs. She frequently works with SaaS companies and FinTechs, delivering content in debt and retirement topics.


Masters in Mass Communication, B. Tech Electronics


Freelance Writer for a wide range of industries, including BFSI, manufacturing companies, data analysis, and documentation agencies


Content marketing
Content writing
Market research
Debt and retirement expert

Articles written by Fatema Yusuf

What is a good credit score range?

A creditor may define their own criteria for a good or bad credit score when they evaluate a consumer for loans or credits

side hustles to make quick $200 cash

Who doesn’t love having an extra cash flow source? But circumstances get tricky when you are unsure about where and how to get started and invest your effort.

How to read your credit score chart

50/30/20 rule: How to budget your money efficiently

"Why can't I save more?" is a frequently asked budgeting question. The 50/30/20 rule is an excellent solution to tackle the age-old conundrum and discipline your spending patterns.
Maximizing Cash Back Rewards

Maximizing Cash Back Rewards: The Best Practices

Make sure you redeem your cash back by requesting for a statement credit, bank deposit, or physical check in the mail, depending on what your issuer offers before it expires.

10 Ways to Make Extra Money This Christmas

It's that time of the year again when we are overwhelmed with family dinners, gatherings with friends and gifts from our loved ones. The holiday season also brings with it extra expenses. Shelling out that little extra money may be a tough challenge.

How to save on last-minute Halloween costs

While it is a popular holiday in the United States, Halloween is also the season when Americans spend the most. It is forecasted that in 2022 people will spend around $10.6 billion on Halloween-related items.
How to not have a Broke Halloween

How to Not Have a Broke Halloween 2024

Americans spend extravagantly on costumes, decorations, and fancy tricks and treats. In 2022, Americans are expected to spend over $10.6 billion on Halloween. This blog talks about clever tricks that can save you from going broke this Halloween.

How to not scare your Halloween 2022 budget

It’s the time when can you dress as a hot dog and chill around with your friends and fall asleep under the pile of Twix wrappers free of judgment. Halloween is a messenger for fall, indicating cooler weather, turning leaves and hot cocoa.

Get up to $1,000 for emergencies

Send money to anyone in the US

Ger personalized financial insights

Monitor and grow credit score

Save up to 40% on car insurance

Get up to $1,000 for loss of income

Insure up to $1 Million

Coming Soon

File federal and state taxes at low cost

Quick estimate of your tax returns

Get up to $1,000 for emergencies

Send money to anyone in the US