
Does Car Insurance Cover Golf Cart Accidents?

Golf carts are considered a lot more dangerous than regular cars, and they might need to catch essential safety features like airbags or seatbelts. This blog is a quick guide to insurance claims related to golf cart accidents.
Does Car Insurance Cover Golf Cart Accidents
Does Car Insurance Cover Golf Cart Accidents?
A standard car insurance policy won't provide coverage for golf carts as they aren't classified as cars. However, there are other avenues to seek compensation in the event of a golf cart accident. Let's understand the details.

Golf carts are considered a lot more dangerous than regular cars, and they might need to catch essential safety features like airbags or seatbelts. People can easily fall out if the golf cart rolls over since there are no doors or only flimsy doors. Insurance companies see golf carts as risky. So, they don’t include them in regular car insurance. But read your policy, just in case. This blog is a quick guide to insurance claims related to golf cart accidents. Also, Beem is here to help you compare the best auto insurance coverage to protect your vehicle from accidents.

Does Car Insurance Cover Golf Cart Accidents?

No, car insurance does not cover golf cart accidents. A standard car insurance policy won’t provide coverage for golf carts as they aren’t classified as cars. In some cases, they can classified as Low-Speed Vehicles, a separate class of transportation. As a result, there are other avenues to seek compensation in the event of a golf cart accident. 

Golf Cart Insurance Coverage

You can get coverage for golf carts similar to car insurance. That includes:

Property damage liability: If you bump your golf cart and cause an accident that damages someone else’s property, this will help pay for it.

Bodily injury liability: This liability covers medical bills if you or someone else is injured in an accident 

Collision: Collision insurance pays for repairs if your golf cart is damaged in an accident.

Comprehensive: This liability covers damage caused due to theft, fire, fallen trees, etc.

Uninsured motorist: If someone not insured or their vehicle is not insured hits you, this coverage helps you pay the damages.

Do I Need Golf Cart Liability Insurance?

Yes, you need golf cart liability insurance if you own a golf cart and use it to get around, not just at the golf course but also for shopping trips or cruising the neighborhood. Some states and towns require insurance to drive them on roads.

Either way, golf cart insurance is smart. According to one study, around 150,000 golf cart injuries needed emergency care between 1990-2006. And the number went up each year.

Does Car Insurance Cover Golf Cart Accidents?

No, as we said earlier, car insurance usually does NOT cover golf carts. They’re considered separate from cars, more like low-speed vehicles.

But there are some exceptions:

  • If your golf cart gets in an accident with a car, your car insurance may help cover damages. The other driver’s insurance would be responsible, but yours could cover liability.
  • If you bought extra golf cart coverage, your insurer might pay for repairs or injuries/damages caused by your golf cart.

Is A Golf Cart Covered Under Homeowners Insurance?

Yes, homeowners’ insurance can cover golf carts, but limits exist. For example, it may only cover accidents at your home or golf course, not in public. Also, it may not pay for injuries to other people you cause. If you hurt someone in a golf cart, you could pay those damages yourself.

How To Insure A Golf Cart

You can buy a separate golf cart policy to get coverage. If you already have car or homeowners insurance, you can add on golf cart coverage for a discount. If you drive your cart on the streets, get a modified motorcycle policy. Remember, many states and towns restrict where you can drive golf carts based on speed limits.

Can I Pursue Compensation If I Am Hit By Another Vehicle While In A Golf Cart?

Yes, you can make an injury claim or lawsuit to recover damages, if the other driver was negligent and caused the accident. But first, you’ll need to prove liability:

  • Show the other driver failed to drive safely
  • Prove they caused the accident
  • Your injuries resulted from their negligence

What Is Meant By Driver Negligence?

Negligence means operating a vehicle carelessly and causing harm to someone else. Types include:

  • Distracted driving, like texting or using a phone
  • Drunk or drugged driving
  • Disobeying traffic laws, signs, signals
  • Reckless driving, like speeding

Do I Need To Carry Insurance For My Golf Cart?

No, you do not legally need to carry insurance for your golf cart. Golf carts are not required to be titled, registered, or insured in the state.

However, having golf cart insurance is highly recommended to protect yourself financially. Car insurance will likely not cover damage or injuries caused by a golf cart accident. Without coverage, you could pay a lot of money out of pocket if you cause property damage or injuries to your golf cart.

Policies are available for:

  • Bodily injury (pays if you injure someone with your golf cart)
  • Property damage (covers damage you cause to other’s property)
  • Collision (repairs for your golf cart)

What Type Of Insurance Could I Get That Would Cover Golf Cart Accidents?

Since car insurance likely won’t apply, it’s smart to get coverage in case of a golf cart accident. That way, you avoid paying damages yourself. Here are some options:

Liability Or Bodily Injury Coverage For A Golf Cart Accident

Bodily injury insurance pays medical bills if you injure someone in an accident when you’re at fault. For example, if the other driver (car or golf cart) is negligent and you’re injured, you may access their BI coverage for medical bills.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage For Golf Cart Accidents

This covers you if someone without liability insurance hurts you. For example, the at-fault driver has no coverage after a golf cart accident. But your $10,000 uninsured motorist policy kicks in to cover $10,000 in medical treatment.

Underinsured Motorist Coverage For Golf Cart Accidents

This protects you when the other driver’s insurance isn’t enough to pay for all your damages.

When Car Insurance Will Cover Golf Cart Accidents

As we said earlier, car insurance usually doesn’t cover golf cart accidents. But there are some exceptions:

  • If your golf cart gets in an accident with a car, your auto insurer may help with damages. The other driver’s insurer would be responsible, but yours could cover liability.
  • If you purchased extra golf cart coverage, your insurer may cover repairs or injuries/damages caused by your golf cart.

When Golf Cart Insurance Is A Good Idea

Even if your car insurance would cover golf carts sometimes, separate golf cart insurance is smart. Accidents can be expensive even if you’re not at fault. Golf cart policies are very affordable and give you peace of mind.


Golf carts are safe with proper insurance. Car insurance likely won’t apply. Consider getting a specialized policy to protect yourself from expensive damages or injuries. Check out Beem to get the best auto insurance coverage for your vehicle and avail impressive discounts on your policy.

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Picture of Aniket Kulkarni

Aniket Kulkarni

A seasoned Product Manager specializing in car insurance content, Aniket has a passion for simplifying complex insurance concepts. His strategic approach to content development reflects years of experience in the product development industry, coupled with a commitment to providing accurate, reliable information.


This page is purely informational. Beem does not provide financial, legal or accounting advice. This article has been prepared for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide financial, legal or accounting advice and should not be relied on for the same. Please consult your own financial, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transactions.

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