The all-purpose Prepaid Visa Card is an easily reloadable card which you can use in-person as well as online, to pay bills, add to your funds and spend as you go! What’s more, you don’t have to be anxious about overdraft fees, as your spending cannot exceed the available balance on your card. Just remember to use it before your card expiry date.
You can also use your Visa prepaid card to reload any gift card you already have, donate to your favorite nonprofit organization, or buy gifts for friends and family throughout the year. Save and make purchases anywhere Visa Debit cards are accepted.
You can further use it online to get deliveries from your favorite restaurant or pay for public utilities. Of course, they can also be used at ATMs to withdraw cash.
Clearly, the possibilities for spending with Visa prepaid cards are truly endless. However, there are certain things to consider before starting to use them.
Also know about: Gift Card vs Cash
Things to remember
Visa prepaid cards should not be confused with credit cards. They cannot be used for credit card payments or car payments. Also, you cannot split payments online to spend the amount that is on your card. Keep your prepaid cards actively in use until they expire in case you receive any refunds to your cards.
Visa prepaid cards may also be issued as virtual cards online. The virtual versions are meant to be used only online or over the phone. You may require physical cards for in-store purchases where POS machines are used for payments by card. If you are hitting the road for a long road-trip, it is better to keep a physical card for payments at gas stations.
Just like regular credit cards, prepaid credit cards have a number and an expiry date printed on their front or back. Make sure to use the balance before your card expires. Once the balance on the card has been exhausted, the card is worthless. But you can use a prepaid debit card repeatedly and renew its tenure by adding more funds to it. Not to forget, they usually come with a monthly or annual fee which is not very high.
Although the terms are often used interchangeably, Visa prepaid cards are not the same as prepaid credit cards. A prepaid credit card functions like a regular credit card: it requires an application, credit check, and approval from the issuer. A prepaid credit cardholder can maintain an outstanding balance, but approval for this card is contingent on a security deposit, in case the cardholder falls short of making their payments.
How to get a Visa Prepaid Card?
Getting a Visa Prepaid card is easy and there are no credit checks required. Simply apply and load money. All you have to keep in mind is that Visa prepaid cards work a lot like debit cards. So they can be used for anytime anywhere purchase, but only for the amount they have loaded.