
Neehara Sanjivi

A writer whose interests range from poetry and origami to neuroscience and anthropology, Neehara has a master’s degree in psychology and online tutors undergrad students in her spare time. Her life is overrun by cats, plants and the occasional flock of pigeons.
Neehara Sanjivi

What Documents Do I Need To File Taxes?

Filing taxes can overwhelm the best of us, especially when we’re not sure where to start. Preparing for tax season in advance is a great way to gradually ease into the process and having your documents handy can speed up the process to a large extent.

Need help with your taxes? Get a tax advisor

Before you make a decision on a tax advisor or a tax preparer, make sure to check their history and reputation in the industry.
financial plans

Crafting Comprehensive Financial Plans for Your Future

Financial planning may be the easiest or the hardest thing to do, depending on how you approach it. Where are you with your financial plans? How well are they working for you? Or do you need to know how to get started? We have you covered.

National 401k Day Guide: Deciding Between IRA and 401k

While one option is generally sufficient to create a reserve of funds after you retire, there is no reason why you can’t choose both.

Why a 401(k) Withdrawal Should Be Your Last Resort

Your 401(k) gives you some pretty sweet tax breaks—if you don’t pull out of the plan before you turn 59 years old. However, when times are tough and you need an influx of cash, taking money out of your 401(k) to stay afloat is an option you could consider. But what are the repercussions?

Consolidate Credit Card Debt: Strategies for Financial Freedom

Debt management plans combine all your credit card debts into monthly instalments at comparatively lower interest. If you have a permanent life insurance policy that has the option for a loan, you can use this facility to consolidate your credit card debt.
Fica Tax

Fica Tax – A comprehensive guide on withholding tax

Mutual Funds vs Index Funds : Key Differences

Decreasing capital gains tax on a property sale

Decreasing capital gains tax on a property sale | Beem

Child Tax Credit 2023

Child Tax Credit 2024 | Eligibility and Benefits |

Tax deduction vs tax credit

Tax deduction vs tax credit: What’s best for you?

Tax credits and tax deductions both work to lower your overall tax bill. A tax credit is a direct dollar amount that you receive as a discount on your actual tax bill. There are two main types of tax deductions that you can claim - a standard deduction or an itemized deduction.

Unlocking Financial Potential With Backdoor Roth IRA

Earned Income Credit

Maximizing Tax Benefits: Earned Income Credit Explained

Investing in Gold: Strategies and Considerations


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