You might not realize it, but your credit score affects not only your finances but also your quality of life. You may be able to qualify for loans with a better interest rate and terms if your credit score falls in the poor range or fair range if you take steps to improve it. The great news is that the best credit cards can help you boost your score, either by making it easy for you to get approved or through special perks that help you build credit over time.
Those who have shown they can handle credit responsibly can take advantage of the opportunities available to them. Financial products are more affordable, offer higher rewards, and have nicer perks for people with excellent credit, especially when it comes to credit cards.
You may be eligible for some of our partners’ best credit cards with excellent credit scores. You could get a top-of-the-line credit card with a FICO Score above 800 (or a VantageScore over 780).
It takes both art and science to find the best credit card.
In every category, there is no one credit card that is better than all the others – or for everyone. You can find the card that’s right for your spending habits and credit situation by understanding your options and asking the right questions.
Here are some trustworthy credit cards that are also rewarding:
Capital One SavorOne Cash Rewards Credit Card
- You will receive a $200 cash reward bonus after spending $1,000 in the first three months.
- You can earn unlimited rewards of 2% whenever you make a purchase
- On purchases and qualifying balance transfers, enjoy a 0% intro APR for 15 months. The introductory rate for balance transfers made within 120 days is 3%, followed by a variable APR of 18.74%, 23.74%, or 28.74%; BT fees up to 5%, minimum $5, are assessed.
also know about: How to use a credit card to build good credit
Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express
Plan It® allows you to make large purchases over time by splitting them up into monthly payments.There are no intro plan fees when you use Plan It®. You will not be charged an intro plan fee for plans created within the first 12 months after opening your account. According to the plan term, the APR that would typically apply to the purchase, and other factors, plans created after that will have a monthly plan fee of up to 1.33% of each eligible purchase amount.
From the date of account opening, there is a low intro APR of 0% for 12 months on purchases, then a variable rate between 17.74% and 28.74% for 12 months.
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Discover it® Cashback
Discover is the only company that offers unlimited cashback matching. The cashback you get during your first year will be automatically matched by Discover! It doesn’t matter how much you spend or how much you earn. With $150 cashback, you could turn it into $300.
You can get a 0% intro APR on expenses for 15 months. Based on your creditworthiness, a Standard Variable Purchase APR is applied between 14.99% and 25.99%.
It is important to pick the right credit card, but you shouldn’t stop there. Take advantage of your card in the right way to maximize your savings and increase your credit. In order to establish credit, you should pay your bills in full every month and avoid using too much credit.
Make sure you stick to your debt payoff plan if you secured a 0% APR deal. Pay your bill in full every month and use your card for everyday purchases if you want to earn rewards. So, its important to choose the best credit cards to use everyday.
If you’re trying to build credit, borrow money, or earn rewards, the credit card you choose should help you achieve your goals. Make sure you don’t settle for less.