NAICS code: 492000
If you are using the app and delivering food from restaurants to customers. Here are what you know about your payments and deductions about your Postmates taxes. Given below is a checklist of things and items you can quantify to reduce your taxable income. Don’t worry about paying more taxes, we are here to help!
🎒Hot bags & courier backpacks
Write it off using: Schedule C, Box 22
If you use insulated bags or backpacks to keep food warm while delivering, it’s fully deductible.
🚲Bike & accessories
Write it off using: Schedule C, Box 27a
Delivery bikes, accessories, and any repairs are all considered write-offs.
👕Uniform & branded items
Write it off using: Schedule C, Box 27a
Uniforms or any branded items you must wear while working.
🚗Car inspection
Write it off using: Schedule C, Box 9
If you’re required to have a car inspection before delivering, you can write it off.
👨💻Productivity software
Write it off using: Schedule C, Box 18
The software used for invoicing, tracking expenses, creating timesheets, and so on is deductible.
💵 Union dues
Write it off using: Schedule C, Box 27a
If you belong to a union, go ahead and write off your dues.